From our very first collection of bags in 1995 we have always considered kindness to the environment.

Ever more so now, our brands mission is to continually strive to improve our eco credentials by reducing waste and championing both reusable and recycled materials for both product and packaging.

Designed to be loved for a life-time


All our packaging, from the boxes to the sticky tape, are made entirely from paper or cardboard that can be kept, recycled, or re-used. You’ll also notice we do not include delivery notes to reduce the paper usage. We simply email the details to you.

Woven Waste Bags

Each bag from our woven waste collection is made using left over fabric from our seasonal bag collections. This waste fabric would otherwise, sadly, be burned or sent to landfill. We love giving plastics a new lease of life.

Bags for Good

Each bag and accessory from our Bags for Good collection is made entirely from recycled polyester from pre-consumer plastic waste. To find out more, click here

Charitable Donations

We have established several charity partnerships in conjunction with the release of our exclusive limited edition screen-printed artworks.

To date, we have joined forces with Solace for our International Women's Day print, Trees for Cities for our Earth Day print, and the Terrence Higgins Trust for our Pride print.

Keep your eyes peeled to find out who we partner with next!

Trees for Cities

We have partnered with a local charity in London, Trees for Cities. Trees for Cities is the only UK charity that works at a national and international scale to improve lives by planting trees in towns and cities, breathing life into your neighbourhoods.

For every bag sold from our Bags for Good collection, we donate a portion of the revenue to Trees for Cities.

A model wrapped in an Orla Kiely towel with three Orla bags


Our Playing Cards & Puzzles are certified by the FSC.

The Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) aim to promote environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial and economically viable management of the world's forests.

Global Recycled Standard

All of our Bags for Good are certified by the GRS.

Global Recycled Standard (GRS) are international, voluntary standards that set requirements for third-party certification of recycled input and chain of custody. The shared goal of the standards is to increase the use of recycled materials. The GRS includes additional criteria for social and environmental processing requirements and chemical restrictions.